Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Getting Home and Adjusted

Well, Simon is now officially 13 days old. Leaving the Hospital was quite an ordeal. We were pretty much ready to go after spending 6days/5nights in that one room. Susie's Mom continued to stay with us until Thursday afternoon which was a great help. My Mom arrived on Sunday night and will be staying with us also until Thursday afternoon. Both have been excited to get to know their new grandson and help him recognize their voices.
Simon has been doing a lot of sleeping. It's been pretty fun to be able to see him awake and play with him before he starts asking for food. As mentioned before, he lost weight in the hospital (very normal, even expected) and put on 3 oz before he left. Last Wednesday, April 25, he already gained enough to get back to birth weight. He has his pediatrician visit this morning so he'll be weighed in again. I'm guessing somewhere around 8lb 14oz.

I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but Simon has a very cute "snort" when he cries. He tends to also get the hiccups quite a bit which kind of makes him cry too.

Sleep? I've been sleeping great. I think Susie's been getting more than we expected as well. Simon sleeps about 4 hours straight during the evening which means Susie only has to wake up on average, once a night, to feed him. How long will this last? We continue to accept prayers on our behalf. The prayers can either be in the form of helping Simon continue to sleep this well, or that we as parents will have the stamina to keep up with him. :)

I've got several pictures here of Simon sleeping. We've tried to get different pictures put together so they all don't look the same. The two above were actually taken while Simon was still in the hospital. The pictures below were taken last night. He likes to sleep as if he were in a roller-coaster: arms straight up. Enjoy the pictures!


Kelli Salter said...

Pretty Cute! Hopefully Scarlett will be a sleeper or I have no idea what I'm going to do. T minus two weeks here!!!

Erica said...

he is SO cute! thanks for the updates...i was ready to start knocking on your door. let me know when you're accept visitors.

Keri said...

Darling! As I read your blog I am sitting here smiling. Smiling real huge-- come to think there is more to life than great hair, muscles, and a fast car :)

What a beautiful baby. Keith and I am thrilled to know things are going so darn well-- but then that should have been expected from you two.

Much love,
The Smiths

Brooke and Eric said...

HE's a KEEPER!!!

Jenny said...

Simon is so adorable! What a precious face. I'm so glad things are going well!!